Technology has come a long way!
And is still progressing!

And is still progressing!

UDL principles apply to technology that was originally developed as assistive technology for those with special needs. Making these available to everyone, again helps to improve the quality of life for many "typical" (whatever that is) citizens. One common example is closed caption television which is now used by more than those with hearing impairments.

Many technologies such as text to speech and speech to text allows students who are poor readers and writers to obtain and share information in content areas while working on improving those basic skills. It allows them to learn and have successes in other areas in spite of their reading and writing difficulties.
Allowing choices to use these technologies once only available to those with special needs, keeps any one from being singled out and feeling different. This also fosters acceptance of differences in strengths, learning styles, and interests in others and comfort with them in ourselves.
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